Intentionally pursuing a life on mission.

Right thinking.
Practical living.


As John Maxwell puts it, “We cannot consistently behave in a way that is inconsistent with our beliefs.” But how many times have we evaluated how our beliefs inform our lives?

We are all on a journey to live a life worth living. Our lives sit at the intersection of our theology, our mission, and our relationships. Journey with us as explore how to intentionally pursue a life on mission.

Family on a mission

Living intentional lives within our families as well as in our relationships within the church takes work. How do we transform our everyday lives to center around the mission of Jesus? We must be willing to take one step at a time together to see big changes happen over time.


Missions as a lifestyle

Our life drive as followers of Jesus is to make disciples of all nations and teach them to do the same. No matter what location or vocation you find yourself in, how do you engage the mission of God? This breaks down into three simple actions: give, send, go.


Theology for practical living

What we believe has implications for how we live. Theology is not just an exercise for academics, but it is any statement of belief we profess as we follow Jesus. Everyone has a theology, but not everyone has an informed theology. Come and explore important topics and how it informs how we live.